Morton is a young boy who lives alone at the edge of a dark forest with his four prized clockwork animals. When a huge storm destroys his hut and scatters his possessions, Morton sets out to locate his treasures.
On his quest Morton learns how to defeat monsters, remembers how to smile and makes his first real friend.
A co-production by Brink Productions and Windmill Performing Arts
8 yrs and over + families
Writer Doug MacLeod
Director Chris Drummond
Designer Gabriela Tylesova
Lighting David Gadsden
Composer Stuart Day
Creative Producer Cate Fowler
Paul Blackwell, Kate Box, Jacqueline Cook, Cameron Goodall, Rory Walker + musician Stuart Day
‘engrossing, often scary and certainly absorbing’ Radio Adelaide
17 - 26 October 2007
The Dunstan Playhouse
Adelaide Festival Centre
11 - 16 September 2008
Sydney Theatre
Brink Productions Limited
PO Box 3262 Rundle Mall
South Australia 5000
T +61 8 8211 6565