Past Season


By Rory Walker + Chris Drummond, with Phillip Kavanagh

Following George Walker is inspired by the life of Adelaide actor Rory Walker’s great grandfather George W Walker: a vaudevillian and impresario who toured Australia in the early 20th century, alongside some of the biggest theatrical stars of the day.

Rory has mined the legend of his great grandfather in this deeply personal one man show. As a baby George was left in a box on doorstep in Aberdeen and throughout his career was a restless traveller, working around Scotland, America, South Africa and throughout Australia. A singer and comedian, he worked with Harry Lauder and the eccentric Walford Bodie, a hypnotist and magician famous for his ‘mock’ electrocutions and act of ‘bloodless surgery’. Still, it was a rough and lonely life. At the end of his days, George returned to Scotland and wrote a memoir that Rory would later find as a young boy, left forgotten in a cupboard in the Walker family home.

Following George Walker hilariously captures the spirit of a travelling road show as our hero Rory struggles to piece together the fragments of his great grandfather’s life, even as he struggles to piece together the fragments of his own performance in a one-man vaudevillian extravaganza filled with music, sketches, songs, comedy, magic, ventriloquism and cinematography and – in the midst of it all – a moving story of family, community, love and legacy.

Suitable for ages 14+

Performer Rory Walker

Director + Co-devisor
Chris Drummond
Co-devisor Rory Walker
Sound Designer + Foley Artist Catherine Oates
Musical Director Carol Young
Designer Wendy Todd
Dramaturg Phillip Kavanagh
Production Manager Lachlan Turner
Stage Manager Marg Crompton

11 - 12 August 2022

Naracoorte Town Hall

15 - 16 August 2022

Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre
Mt Gambier

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We acknowledge that the land on which we live, and work is the  traditional land of the Kaurna people and pay our respects to their  Elders - past, present and future. Brink supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and enshrining a Voice to Parliament in the Constitution. 

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