General Statement of Principle
Brink Productions Limited (BRINK) (“We”) guarantee to our customers that we will never give names, addresses or other personal information to anyone wishing to contact our customer database. Brink will only permit special offers or invitations from third parties to be made to our customers through us, where such an offer is judged by us to be of some interest or benefit to our customers. Where an offer is made through the post, for example, it would arrive on Brink letterhead and be handled through Brink’s secure mailing house process. Usually such offers will be limited to reduced price or priority booking for arts events, or special offers from companies sponsoring Brink.
Any customer who wishes to be removed from our special offers list should call Brink on 08 8211 6565 or email us at
The BRINK Privacy Policy
The following Policy has been based on the 10 points of the Government of South Australia, Department of Premier and Cabinet PC012- Information Privacy Principles Instruction (re-issued 30 July 1992).
1. Collection of Personal Information
1.1 Brink will not collect personal information unless the information is necessary for one or more of our functions or activities.
1.2 Brink will only collect personal information by lawful or fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way.
1.3 At or about the time personal information is collected from an individual Brink will take reasonable steps to ensure that the individual knows:
1.3.1 that we are collecting the information and how to contact us;
1.3.2 that they may gain access to that information;
1.3.3 the purposes for which the information is collected;
1.3.4 the organisations or types of organisations to which we usually disclose that type of information;
1.3.5 any law that requires the collection of the information;
1.3.6 the main consequences for the individual if all or part of the information is not provided;
1.3.7 Brink’s usual practices with respect to disclosure of personal information of the kind collected.
1.4 Where it is reasonable and practical to do so, we will only collect personal information about an individual from that individual.
1.5 In the event that we collect personal information about an individual from someone other than the individual concerned, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the individual has been made aware of the matters set out in principle 1.3.
2. Use and disclosure of personal information
2.1 Brink will not use or disclose personal information about an individual except for a purpose which is relevant to its primary purpose of collection.
2.2 Brink will not use or disclose personal information about an individual for a secondary purpose not incidental to or connected with the primary purpose of collection of the personal information unless both the following apply:
2.2.1 the secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose; and
2.2.2 the individual has expressly or impliedly consented to the use or disclosure; or
2.2.3 if the information is not ‘sensitive information’ and the use of the personal information is for the secondary purpose of direct marketing: it is impracticable for us to seek the individual’s consent before engaging in that secondary practice; and the individual has not asked to be removed from the marketing database (a service which does not incur any charges), and we prominently display a notice to the individual that he or she may elect not to receive any further information, and each communication sets out an address at which we may be contacted.
2.3 If for any reason Brink is required to disclose personal information in accordance with the law or for law enforcement reasons then we will make a written note that we have done so.
2.4 Principle 2.2 applies to information which we have collected from any related body and we will treat such information as if we had collected the information ourselves.
3. Accuracy of information
3.1 Brink will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date.
4. Security and storage
4.1 Brink will take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information which we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access modification or disclosure, and
4.2 Brink will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information it if is no longer needed for any purpose to which the Government of South Australia, Department of Premier and Cabinet PC012-Information Privacy Principles Instruction applies.
5. We will make our Privacy Policy available and accessible
5.1 This document expresses our policies on the management of personal information and is available on our website ( or by telephoning 08 8211 6565 and requesting a copy through the post or by fax.
5.2 On request we will take reasonable steps to let people who enquire know, generally, what sort of personal information we hold, for what purposes, and how we collect, hold and use that information.
6. Access on request
6.1 We will generally provide an individual with access to personal information held about that individual, upon request, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA).
6.2 Commercially sensitive information may be withheld where it relates to a decision-making process.
6.3 We will provide written reasons as well as a mediation process for any access requests which are refused.
6.4 Charges for granting access to personal information will not be applied to applications for access.
6.5 If personal information held by us is shown not to be accurate, complete and up to date, we will take reasonable steps to correct those deficiencies.
6.6 Where there is a disagreement as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of information held by Brink we will, on request, take reasonable steps to append to that information a statement that the disagreement exists.
7. Government Identifiers
7.1 Brink records information in this category only when requiring proof of concession status for ticket purchase. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that pension or concession numbers kept on a customer’s file are secure and used only for the purpose of verifying ticket concession status.
8. Option of anonymity
8.1 Brink does provide individuals with the option of not identifying themselves when entering into a transaction, when requested and where practicable.
9. Transborder data flows
9.1 Brink guarantees not to give personal information to any third party except for authorised use on our behalf. Examples of authorised use on our behalf includes disclosure of information to our ticketing agency (currently BASS) for ticketing purposes and our mailing house for mailing purposes.
10. Sensitive information
10.1 Brink will not usually collect ‘sensitive information’ about customers. In the rare cases where the collection of sensitive information may be required in order to carry out our business or provide the required level of customer service, we undertake to keep that information secure, and not to use it for any secondary purpose without explicit consent.
Brink Productions is providing this website and its contents on an ‘as is’ basis and makes no (and expressly disclaims all) representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to this website or the information, content, materials, services or products included on this site.
Neither Brink Productions nor its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this website or the information, content, materials, services or products included on this site. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.
Brink Productions Limited
PO Box 3262 Rundle Mall
South Australia 5000
T +61 8 8211 6565